Privacy Policy

At Stakers, we place a premium on ensuring user privacy, and as such, we are and remain compliant with all of Australia’s laws on data security and protection. We guarantee that all non-public personal information, as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 of Australia, is treated with the utmost respect for privacy, legality, and professional ethics. In addition to this, we also guarantee that all private details obtained from your interactions with our platform will only be used for endeavours and activities that you will be informed of and only after you give your consent, allowing us to proceed. 


  1. Stakers is a global enterprise in the iGaming industry that focuses on providing diverse virtual casino gaming services to a vast international audience. For those interested in our corporate structure, a detailed list of our group’s entities is available upon request. Please email us at for further information.
  1. The management of all non-public personal info is overseen by WinningGloryEnt Ltd, a Cyprus-based entity located at 6, Vasili Vryonides Street, Limassol 3095, Cyprus. This info is distributed across different entities, all belonging to the Stakers umbrella, and all of these individual entities are bound to adhere to and enforce the same privacy regulations as required by Australian law. So you can rest assured your specifics and private information will be regulated with the utmost stringency



  1. The only category of information we collect and store are those that our site users willingly provide us with or grant us access to.

Contact Information: We give our visitors the choice to share their contact details with us. These details may include information like their full name and email address.

We may collate your info and information as you use our site; however, this will only be information you have voluntarily granted us access to or submitted to us. This could be through direct online interactions or when you provide personal details through various internet communication channels such as mail.

You should also note that Stakers collects various types of information related to the device you use, encompassing both software and hardware aspects. This info may include your IP address, web browser characteristics, geolocation details, and unique identifiers like IMEI, MAC, and/or UDID addresses.

Social Network Registration: You have the option to register on our site using your social network accounts like Facebook and other platforms. However, you should be aware that if you choose this signup method, we will have access to basic information you have on your social media public profile. This information may include details like your full name, your profile picture, and set address, and your contacts list. This information may also cover several other pieces of info you have set to your account profile and chosen to display publicly on the platform.

The Stakers site has an “Invite a Friend” feature that allows you to connect your site account to your social media account and then invite your friends over to the website to take a look at or try out our services for themselves. Here, it is important to mention that if such invited friends choose to accept your invitation, doing so will mean we may have access to personal information from their own social media accounts. This information covers details like their name and email address, contact phone number(s), and their date of birth. Rest assured that the info obtained from their social media account will only be used strictly as detailed in our Privacy Policy. Additionally, every occasion of info sharing with third parties will strictly adhere to the same Privacy Policy guideline terms.

You should also be aware that we may obtain your info from third-party service providers you grant us access to. This is to enable us to properly deliver the best services to you, especially in cases where certain specific information is needed. This could include information such as your credit history and other financial details. We use the information collected to verify your identity and stop or prevent fraudulent and illegal activities from being carried out on the Stakers site.

Non-Personal Data

The second category of info we handle is Non-Personal Data. This encompasses anonymised info collected through the use of our services by visitors.

Types of Non-Personal Specifics Collected: We gather aggregated info on service usage and technical information. This includes details about the visitor’s operating system, keyboard language settings, browser type, screen resolution, timestamps, service use duration, click-stream data, and overall service-related activities.

It’s important to note that any non-personal info linked with personal info will be treated as personal info as long as this particular connection between both info types remains present. 

Categories of Non-Personal Data We Collect From Users and Visitors:

Technical specifics: To improve our platform’s functioning, enhance the quality of our key features and offerings, and transform the way you interact with them, we collect some resources from the device you’re using to access our site. This could be devices like laptops, smartphones, or other devices capable of performing such an action. The scope of the specifics obtained in this manner includes but isn’t limited to hardware and software details like the specific browser you’re using to access the platform, timestamps, link you used to access the website, and other non-specific  details like your Google Advertising ID and IDFA

App and Device Data: Examples of the type of data obtained in this section include your device’s make and model, information on whether it’s running on Android or iOS), SDK version, system language, mobile network provider, built-in browsers (whether Chrome, Safari, and others), and usage metrics. This encompasses information about app performance, app usage history, mobile app download and installation resources, in-app events (like purchases), and anonymous device identifiers like Google Advertising ID, iOS Identifier for Advertising (IDFA), or other similar identifiers.

Geographical Information: When you browse through our website and take advantage of our various offerings, you indicate your consent to our use of your IP address for location determination purposes. It’s important to mention that our geolocation activities are not designed to be highly precise in terms of specific location results, so you won’t have to worry about privacy infringement. Instead, the specifics we gather from location determination activities are pretty standard, and they help to give us an idea of the best ways to optimise our offerings such that they are perfect for your needs.

Ad Data: Your access and use of this website are governed by the following terms and conditions, which you acknowledge and agree to. The Ad Data category includes all virtual ads and tailored promotions directed at you purely with the aim of marketing new features or additions we think you might be interested in. So, logging on to our platform and using our services means that we have your full authorisation to preserve data relating to the way you have interacted with the different promotions we’ve sent to you or displayed on your screen. It also means you agree we can collect data relating to other parts of the advertisement, such as the number of times you saw it and the number of times you checked out the page linked to the ad,

Analytical Data: By using our services, you consent that Stakers is free to collect resources relating to the way and manner in which you have used our various service offerings. This could include the specifics of your activities regarding the number of button clicks, the length of time you spend browsing through different web pages, the length of time you had the app running, and your activities on it in that period. This agreement also covers your consent to allowing us total freedom in processing raw stats we obtain and using the results to diagnose and fix our system issues in order to further optimise our site performance and boost your usage experience.

Other Non-Identifiable Data: This refers to your agreement that every resource or statistic we draw from our webpage is freely ours to randomise or break to the point where it cannot be traced back to you as the originating source. You also agree that this randomised output is free from all the limitations and restrictions contained in this Privacy Policy document, and you grant us full freedom to share it with third-party entities or partners without any restrictions, especially in areas relating to promotions and marketing. 


Our platform is ONLY meant for users who have attained the age of majority, that is, users who are 18 years old and above or the age of legal consent in their location, whichever is greater. We do not cater to, nor is our site meant for, those under 18 or below the majority age in their area. Note that by using our website, you’re demonstrating that you understand and affirm that you are of legal age and that you also agree to these terms. Those not meeting the age requirement are strictly barred from using our site or sending any private specifics to us. The use or download of our site and its offerings by minors or those below the age of consent is NOT allowed or encouraged in any way.

If you go ahead and access this site and the resources contained therein, it means you’re authorising WinningGloryEnt Ltd to view and confirm any signup specifics you submit. It also means you’re granting us permission to evaluate what you’ve been using our resources for and how you’ve been interacting with said resources. Should we discover personal specifics from someone underage, we hold the right to remove such specifics. If you believe a minor or someone underage has shared specifics with us, please inform us promptly at


5. Our website processes the personal specifics you provide for several purposes, as detailed below:

By accessing and engaging with our website, you grant us permission to manage and deliver a variety of services. These include performance marketing, digital promotions, online consumer acquisition networks, and user attribution for our affiliates.

Your use of this website constitutes your agreement to allow us to gather resources on your website preferences and then tailor your experience based on your individual preferences.

You consent to allow us to freely use resources we get from your activity on our website to deliver targeted ads. To learn more about our approach to marketing and related practices, check the “Marketing” section of this document.

Your visit to our site implies consent for the collection and application of your resource for statistical analysis and research. We use these collected details to refine and adjust our website, making it more attuned to your preferences and tastes. This use may also extend to generating usage reports based on your interaction with the different features on the website.

We utilise the specifics we collect to offer assistance and troubleshooting efforts when you make a complaint. This helps us to ensure that your queries and concerns will be addressed with utmost care and excellent precision.

Accessing our site indicates that you’re fully on board with our use of collective user specifics to enhance, adjust, and tailor the website in line with visitor preferences and usage trends.

By using our site, you permit us to freely examine and make sure you are supposed to be able to access certain features on our website.

Your use of this website means you totally agree, without reservations, to use our site in a lawful and legitimate manner, avoiding any activities that may undermine its reputation or standing. Note that your compliance with these terms is highly mandatory, and failure to adhere to this condition and others in this article may result in temporary access restriction or the enforcement of permanent bans.

You agree to identify and communicate any potential risks directly or indirectly linked to your activities while using our site.

Note that we retain the full right to investigate any policy breaches or User Agreement violations. In addition to this, we also retain all the rights to enforce our terms and policies as well as the user agreement as necessary.

Your engagement with our services implies compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We may disclose your specifics in response to legal requests, such as court orders or subpoenas, and to comply with other legal or government requirements. Also, note that we will be required to provide other approved and authorised government organisations with your specifics and details if so required.


6. WinningGloryEnt Ltd will use your private details and specifics, including your name, contact details, and address, either directly or through third-party agents, solely for sending promotional material related to the website, services, products, or applications linked to our corporate entities or Marketing Affiliates. This is intended to provide you with offers that might interest you.

Stakers may share your personal specifics with our Marketing Affiliates to propose a variety of marketing offers. These deals are offers that we or our partners deem to be suitable incentives for users of our website or services. Our partners may use this information for diverse marketing activities, including SMS, mail, and telemarketing.

You can opt out of receiving further promotional emails or messages from us or trade and marketing affiliates at any time by contacting Note that opting out of marketing communications does not exempt you from receiving essential service updates or formal notices.

7. Stakers reserves the right to evaluate your information and compare it with those obtained from other sources like independent third-party partners. Note that this is necessary to ensure that we’re able to continually render quality and relevant services to you.


8. The private details collected from the device you’re using to access our website will be utilised in the following ways:

To facilitate the creation and maintenance of your digital Stakers Account.

To manage all your transactions on the Stakers platform.

To comply with legal obligations, including adherence to anti-money laundering regulations.

For internal operational purposes, such as details handling and administration, analytics, market research, maintaining internal records, and improving our website and services.


9. For the specific purposes outlined in this policy, your personal details may be shared or disclosed to entities within the Stakers group. Also, be aware that under certain agreements, your details may also be shared with third parties processing these details on our behalf, including:

Mobile communication service providers for the purpose of facilitating communication activities with users.

Financial transaction handlers configured according to your preferences for efficiently processing your payments and withdrawals.

‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) agents appointed after enacting essential contractual measures to secure your personal information and adhere to our legal duties.

Associates and affiliates committed to enhancing and enriching your journey with Stakers.


10. As a global organisation, it is possible instances occur where we need to share your personal specifics with countries outside of Australia. Based on this, it is important to note that the protection laws in these countries might not be as comprehensive as those in Australia.

We take our duty to preserve and hold your private information with utmost seriousness, and our approach to doing so is outlined both in our Privacy Policy and guided by data protection laws in Australia. The measures we employ to make this possible include the deployment of protection options like clauses approved by authorities for lawful data relocation and verification of the security systems and measures of the receiving country.


11. We hold your personal details only as long as necessary to meet legal, tax, and legitimate business requirements. This data may be stored in various formats, including paper and electronic. Once the need for this data ends, it will be appropriately deleted or purged from our systems. For specific details on how long we keep your personal details, please contact us at


12. Under data protection laws, you have several fundamental rights:

Right to Information – You have the right to know about the private details gathered during the course of your using our website and the processing measures we deployed. This policy is crafted in such a way as to provide you with that information.

Right of Access – You can request confirmation as to whether we are processing your personal details and, if so, access to that detail.

Right to Rectification: You have the right to request corrections to your personal details if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right to Data Portability – You can make a request for us to relocate your private details that are eligible for transfer under the law in a commonly used and machine-compatible structure. It’s also within your purview to ask us to send the specifics obtained to another entity in as much as it’s legally permissible, and the technicals aren’t a limitation.  

Right to Erasure -You have the right to request the deletion of your personal info, except where there’s a legal reason or a valid business need for its continued processing or storage.

Right to Restrict Processing – You can reverse or limit your agreement to allow us to collect and process your private details. In such cases, be aware that we may still continue holding on to your details purely for storage, but further processing will halt immediately you withdraw your consent unless there is an overruling legal ground that necessitates that processing proceeds.

Right to Object to Processing

If you go ahead and use our site and the features or information it contains, it means that you’re consenting to us processing your personal specifics whenever we deem it fit to do so or when there is a special request with the appropriate legislative backing.

Processing for historical research, scientific research, or statistical analysis.

If you believe that your collected specifics or information has been mishandled or we have breached the data processing and protection laws in the process of managing your data, you have the freedom to file a complaint with regulatory bodies such as the General Data Protection Agency or the DPC in Australia.

13. If you have any requests or questions related to your rights, please contact us at You can expect to get a swift and satisfactory response to your query within a maximum of 30 days from receipt of your message.


14. We diligently maintain the security of this website and your specifics by adopting a blend of technological and physical approaches and barriers to ensure your specifics remain safe and free from exploitation by unauthorised persons or threat actors. 

15. Our security measures are adapted to the nature of the info we collect from people using our website, and they include:

Advanced network architecture with intrusion prevention and sophisticated firewall systems.

Encrypted communications.

Access and identity verification controls.

Regular internal and external audits, assessments, and security tests.

It’s important to mention that although we attempt to leave no gaps in ensuring your specifics security and proper handling, we do not give an explicit guarantee that your information will remain perfectly safe from threat actors and others with malicious intent. As such, we do not explicitly or implicitly assure that your specifics and details are fully shielded from such unapproved exploitation or usage


16. For info processing in line with Australian data protection laws, the responsible entity is:

WinningGloryEnt Ltd, Attn: Data Protection Officer, 6 Vasili Vryonides Street, Limassol 3095, Cyprus. Email:


Note that while this Privacy Policy is already active, there may be a need to adjust or review certain sections in the future. When occasions like this arise, rest assured that such intended adjustments or alterations will be communicated to you either via mail or through other avenues. You’ll always have the option of reviewing said changes to see if you’re okay with them before approving them so that they may take effect moving forward.