Privacy Policy

Here at Stakers, we’re dedicated to upholding all applicable data protection laws and protecting the complete privacy of our users. We would like to reassure all of our users that we handle non-public personal information with the highest integrity, legality, and compliance with professional, ethical standards, in compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Furthermore, we guarantee that any personal data will only be gathered for particular uses that the user is aware of and consents to at the time they decide to interact with the Stakers website.


  1. Stakers is an international company that offers its readers online gambling options all over the USA. Please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at if you have a legal interest in our reputable business and would like a complete list of our group’s entities.
  2. Stakers is the organization in charge of managing non-public personal data. Its address is 5626 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE 19808. Various group entities may share and process your information. At Stakers, we pledge that every one of our organizations strictly complies with the necessary privacy procedures and security measures in compliance with US laws controlling the handling and processing of private information.



At Stakers, we collect data from visitors who are voluntarily given access to our set of features. 

Contact Details: We offer our valued visitors the option to provide us with their contact details, which may include their email address and full name.

Collecting Voluntary Information: There’s a chance that we collect info that you intentionally give us. Some of the examples are using the chat with the customers or sharing details about yourself with the customer team through emails. 

Our organization gathers various data about the device you are utilizing, including hardware and software specifics that may be used to identify you. Some of the included stuff are your IP address, geolocation data, and unique identifiers like IMEI, MAC address, and/or UDID.

You can also register an account on our platform by using social accounts like Facebook. In case you decide to do so, we’ll collect all your data from the platform you connected with. This information we collect may be about your name, birthday, profile picture, or any other information you willingly shared with the platform. 

On top of that, our website has an option to allow you to ‘’Invite a Friend’’  who’s also using the same platform as you. If the friend agrees to continue, our website will collect data from your friend’s account as well, including his name, email address, phone number(s), and birthdate. If we ever use this info, it will be because of the reasons we explained in our privacy policy. The terms of use from this privacy policy will also apply in case the data is shared with outside parties. 

Collection of Third-Party Data: To provide the services we offer, our organization occasionally collects personal data from outside service providers. This can entail asking you for certain information, like credit history, reports from credit bureaus, and other financial data. We need this information to confirm your identity and put an end to any fraudulent or unlawful activity.

Non-Personal Information

Non-Personal Data is the second type of data and includes anonymous and unidentifiable information that we collect from any of our users when they use our services.

A visitor’s operating system, keyboard language, browser type, screen resolution, associated timestamps, length of service usage, clickstream, and all other relevant service activities may be included in the technical details and aggregated usage information that is gathered.

To improve clarity, it should be made clear that non-personal data will be treated as personal data for the duration of any association or correlation that develops between it and personal data.

The different types of non-personal information that are collected regarding or from you are:

Technical Data: We gather technical data sent by your computer, mobile device, or other electronic device in order to enhance the functionality of our website, the services we provide, and your interaction with them. This information includes your preferred language, the operating system, the kind of browser you use, access timestamps, and the web address you used to access our services, among other hardware and software attributes. Non-specific digital identifiers like the IDFA and Google Advertising ID are also included in this collection.

Application and Device Information: This category of data includes information about the make and model of your device, the operating system it runs on (such as iOS or Android), the SDK version, the system language, the mobile service provider, and any built-in mobile web browsers (like Chrome, Safari, etc.). It also includes usage statistics (which include details about how well apps run on the device) and app usage history, as well as information about in-app purchases and other in-app events. This also includes any anonymous identifiers linked to the device, like the iOS Identifier for Advertising (IDFA), Google Advertising ID, or other device identifiers in use.

Geo data: In case you decide to use our platform, your IP will be used to determine your real geographical location. Also, keep in mind that this data is not precisely true, and it can’t show the exact location you’re in. The information gathered is standard web traffic data. By utilizing our services, you give us permission to gather location-related metadata that helps us understand your interests or potential involvement in a particular area without revealing your exact location.

Advertising Data: You can only use this platform under the terms and conditions of use. Also, you are accepting these terms just by using this platform. Any ad or similar content that we try to showcase on our website will be regulated in the section Advertising Data. This information is collected and stored for marketing and research uses. You grant us permission to collect and store information about the advertisements you see by using this website. This data includes the exact page where the commercial appeared, how frequently it appeared to you, whether you saw or interacted with it, your previous interactions with it, and whether you visited the company’s website, downloaded their app, or made a purchase.

Analytical and Archival Data: By using any of the features on this platform, you agree that details regarding the way you use those services may be gathered about you. A user’s activities (such as clicks, time spent on pages, unique actions, referral URLs, and all pages viewed), as well as application usage and online browsing behavior, may be included in this data. When you visit this platform, you agree to the gathering and utilization of data gathered from your usage for a variety of purposes, including locating and fixing bugs and errors in the system, as well as conducting research and analysis concerning your overall use of the site.

Additional Non-Identifiable Information: Data collected through this website or other channels could be hidden or de-identified so that it cannot be used to directly identify you. By using this de-identified data, you grant permission for it to be used in any way that this Privacy Policy does not prohibit. You agree that by using our services, you grant us permission to use this information for marketing, advertising, and other objectives with no restricting our ability to share it with third parties.


This website is only meant for people who meet the legal consent age in their jurisdiction, which is 18 years old or the legal age of majority, whichever is higher. Anyone under the required consent age in their jurisdiction or under the age of eighteen (18), is not permitted to use it. The use of this website is subject to the terms and conditions listed below. Using this website indicates that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you are not of legal age, you are not allowed to use this website or provide any personal information to us. Any unauthorized use or distribution of services from this website.

Using this website, you agree that Stakers may access and validate any personal data we collect about you and your interactions with us. If someone who is not of legal age provides us with personal information, we reserve the right to remove that information. You must notify us immediately at if you or anyone you know – including a minor or someone under the legal age – believes that personal information has been disclosed to us.


5. We use your personal information for several reasons, some of which are listed below:

You provide us permission to manage and provide a range of services, such as online promotional content, online consumer acquisition network, performance marketing, and user attribution to our partners, by accessing and using our website.

With the use of this website, you agree to allow us to monitor your personal preferences so that we can adjust the website to suit your needs.

By using this website, you agree that we may advertise to you and promote our website, including by showing you ads based on your specific browsing habits. Please refer to the “Marketing” section for further information about our marketing strategies.

By using this website, you consent to our collecting and use of data for analytical, statistical, and research purposes. We will use this information to improve and customize our website to suit your unique needs and preferences better. This could entail producing reports depending on how specific features or services on our website are used.

Our website’s objective is to provide support and troubleshooting tools. We will make every effort to answer your queries and concerns.

In case you come to the platform, you agree to allow us to make improvements, updates, modifications and changes, all based on the data we collected from you. 

You know and allow us to identify your access to any kind of services when you use this platform.

You grant permission for this website to be used, and you promise not to use it for any unlawful or dishonest purposes that could jeopardize its integrity. You have to be aware of this and avoid doing such things when using the website. To use this website, you have to agree to the terms listed here. In the event you don’t adhere to these rules, your ability to use the website may be suspended.

By visiting this website, you agree that you must quickly identify any risks related to your activity.

We reserve the right to investigate any violations or infractions in line with the User Agreement and our policies. Additionally, we maintain the right to enforce our policies and the User Agreement. On top of that, this website retains the right to look into and settle any disagreements arising from your direct use of the platform.

You agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations by using our services. Your data might be revealed in response to a subpoena or court order, among other legal procedures, or in response to a request from the government. As the law requires, we will also respect any other legislative or governmental bodies.


6. Stakers. will use your personal information, such as your full name, phone number, email address, and residential address, either directly or through our third-party contractors, only to send you promotional material about the website or services, as well as different goods, services, online platforms, and apps connected to (a) different companies within our company; or (b) our affiliate partners and corporate associates (collectively, “Marketing Affiliates”) that we think you might find interesting.

To offer a variety of marketing deals that we or the Marketing Affiliates we work with think would be best for you as a user, Stakers may also distribute and share personal information with our Marketing Affiliates. Our Marketing Affiliate partners are probably going to use this kind of information, but only for commercial purposes.

In case you don’t want to, you can decide not to receive any kind of messages from us anymore; all you need is to contact the team at Please note that you may still receive updates from us about official notices and website services even if you decide to unsubscribe and remove yourself from our main marketing communications list.

7. Stakers reserves the right to combine user data with information gleaned from other sources, including search engine queries, public databases, demographic data providers, and third-party organizations. This integration improves the comprehension and efficacy of our services and communications.


8. Personal information gathered from your device will be used as follows: 

To ensure you’re provided with the relevant service/s about:

the opening of your Stakers online account;

the management and assistance of every transaction you make on the Stakers website;

to fulfill any legal requirements, including those pertaining to compliance with anti-money laundering laws; and

for our internal operations, which include managing the previously mentioned data, conducting data analytics, and conducting market analyses; additionally, for upholding our internal documentation and/or improving our website and its services


9. Your personal information may be transferred or disclosed to any organization within the Stakers group (for the specific purposes explained in this policy) and, subject to suitable agreements with our third parties, for the processing of said information on our behalf. This includes:

Telecommunication providers for our users’ mobile messaging interactions.

Your preferences are respected by our payment service providers when handling your deposits and withdrawals.

Our “Know Your Customer” mediators have established contractual protections to protect your personal information and fulfill our legal obligations.

Our partners and employees work hard to ensure your Stakers experience is always rewarding and satisfying.


10. As global operators, there might be times when we have to send your personal information to countries outside of the United States of America. Some of the countries we send this data to will not have as strong laws as the US regarding the protection of your data.

We swear to protect your information no matter what. We accomplish this through alternative means (like confirming that the country in question has adequate privacy protections in place) or contractual mechanisms (like using contractual clauses approved by relevant authorities for lawful data transfer rules).


11. Your personal information is only kept by us for as long as is necessary to achieve legal, tax, and/or business goals. Your data could be kept in paper copy, digital copy, or a combination of both. When this data is no longer required, it will be appropriately deleted or expunged from our system(s). If you would like details about the precise period that we will retain the personal information that we have about you, please contact us at


12. There are various fundamental rights that are granted to you by data protection laws:

The entitlement to information – You have a right to know what private information we gather about you, how we handle it, and how we use it. It is the goal of this policy to provide such insights.

The right of access – You are entitled to information about whether or not your private and sensitive information is being processed and access to that information.

The right to modification – If you believe that any of the personal, confidential information we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to ask that it be changed.

The freedom to transfer data – In case you use our website, you are free to ask us to deliver the data we collected the way you want. If it is technically feasible, you may also ask to have this data transferred to another data controller.

The right of removal – You have the right to request that your personal information be deleted. It will be erased or destroyed if there is no legal requirement or a convincing business reason to keep processing or retaining this data.

The authority to limit processing – You can easily change your mind about the data we collect or process about you. If such a situation arises, we are allowed to keep your data but not process it any further unless there is a good reason or a valid legal basis for doing so.

The ability to object to processing for certain reasons under the law, such as:

With the use of our website, you allow us to use the data we collect the way we want and what we want only in case we need this data for collaboration with the legal authorities or to do a good thing.

Insofar as it is related to such direct marketing goals, profiling is also used in direct marketing. 

Processing for scientific, historical, or statistical research objectives; and

If you believe that your data has not been handled or processed in accordance with the CCPA, you have the right to file a complaint with the relevant regulatory authorities and the Office of the Attorney General.

13. Please email us at with any questions or requests regarding those mentioned above. We will make sure to get to you as soon as possible, but no longer than 30 days of receiving the email.


14. We take great care to implement and maintain the security of your information on this website. The platform is protected against unauthorized access, and it also keeps the information integrity. Of course, any kind of protection measure is customized according to the info we collected from you. 

15. Our website is making sure to use the latest features and tools to keep your data safe, including:

Robust network architecture with modern firewalls and intrusion prevention systems.

Communication encryption.

Controls for access and identity verification.

Regular testing, evaluations, and audits both internally and externally, etc.

Even though we take great care to protect your information, we cannot ensure that those who gain unauthorized access or carry out malicious activities related to this website won’t be able to access it. Furthermore, we make no guarantees, either stated or implied, that we will be able to stop this kind of unauthorized access.


16. The organization in charge of processing your data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws of the United States is:

Stakers, Address: 5626 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE 19808. Email:


This Privacy Policy may be updated and revised from time to time. Notifications of such changes will be posted on this website. Also, we will make sure to inform you about it via email. On top of that, you will be allowed to agree or not to agree with the new update. Any kind of changes will be applied only after you decide to accept the new update.